Gardening Metaphor
Dec 13, 2022
During this cold spell, an old metaphor popped into my head. So I'm sharing.
Throwing buckets of quick acting fertilizer all over the garden in autumn and winter is ineffective, wasteful and potentially damaging. A targeted handful of fertiliser in the spring and summer is more effective and cheaper. In spring you can see the plant variety, so predict its growth rate, know what infestations to expect, and decide whether it needs more nitrogen, potassium or moving to a pot because the soil type is wrong. Children and plants both need the right conditions to grow.
Adopters did not plant or germinate the seed, so they don’t know what species of plants they are growing. They just know they love their plant. Sometimes green-fingered experts outside of the family are needed to help identify the type of help is needed. All the best gardeners keep an open mind, experiment and seek advice. Thankfully so do adopters. I wish there were more green-fingered experts. I dream that one day there will be adoption support that liberates our wishes.
Take good care
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